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Records2663 of 2809RECORD PAIRS - OH, GIRLS !Victrola record player and records
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (650 items)

    I love to see actors age gracefully . David McCallum certainly fits that role. Maybe it has to do with initials...from U.N.C.L.E to N.C.I.S. !

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    1. Picking-and-Collecting Picking-and-Collecting, 14 years ago
      OMG! My son watches NCIS and I new I knew Ducky but I never made the connection. I loved Man From UNCLE when I was a kid. My cousin had a Man From UNCLE radio that turned into a gun. I was so flipping jealous!
    2. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      He was also in The Great Escape.
    3. paul king, 14 years ago
      He was also married to Linda Eastman (McCartney) Paul McCartney's 1st wife

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