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World War one and two medals postcards badges part1

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War medals2 of 11A group of ww1 medals  5939 PTE   A . RAWLINGS RIF Brig : Part 2 World War one and two medals postcards badges Letters
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (220 items)

    World War one and two medals postcards badges Letters

    I've Collected these Items over the last few years at the dump. There are some really nice Pieces here but I know Very little about them.

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    Military Badges
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    1. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 12 years ago
      Wow. I wish I lived by your dump! Just in this post I see stuff here from The US, UK, Germany – and in the buttons I see France and Australia! I see Army, Navy and Air Force. The stuff here goes as far back as WWI until as recently as the 1980s, with lots of WWII and post-1950! I know you made several posts of your finds already, but I think the whole lot needs to be spread out in smaller groups that you feel are related. I can try to address all that I see here in a really long post, but then you’d have to figure out what items I’m talking about, and it could get confusing.
    2. Phatbuddha Phatbuddha, 12 years ago
      Thank you that's really cool, I will made more Of an effort to take smaller group and in better Detailed photos. When I get some free time
    3. marksmilitaria, 12 years ago
      Nazi party badges shown in collection are repros. Now, you really think we believe your *found in the dump* blurb???LOL!!!
    4. Phatbuddha Phatbuddha, 12 years ago
      Thanks petey, I see trolls on utube and places like that. I wouldn't had guessed they would be on this site too, till I read marksmilitaria Comment lol
    5. Phatbuddha Phatbuddha, 11 years ago
      Thanks nutsabotas6, I do like the war stuff I find,it's one of my favourite collections
    6. Master Master, 8 years ago
      What a great collection you got a good eye for things amazing
    7. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      At the DUMP??
    8. Phatbuddha Phatbuddha, 8 years ago
      Hi celiene,
      Yes I work at the rubbish dump and find all my items I list on here.
      It's ridiculous what people throw away.

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