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Kralik, Rindskopf or PK?

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Recent Activity33 of 3326Loetz AgateHarrach Gold Gild Cabinet Vase.
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (94 items)

    I'm not too confident on maker of this one, I guess it's one of the three, but who knows... I think we will find out soon enough, there are very knowledgeable people here. I have seen this decor before, but with more subtle iridescence and less pronounced crevasses but the base looked same. I think this color of glass is a bit less comon too, they usually come in green.

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    1. MacArt MacArt, 12 years ago
      Thank You for the loves my friends, and Thank You Bellin You are as always very kind.
    2. Justanovice Justanovice, 12 years ago
      Hope I find something like this soooooon!!! But.... to suit my budget!! Unlikely!!
    3. inky inky, 12 years ago
      Very very!!!... beautiful...:-)
    4. MacArt MacArt, 12 years ago
      Thank You Justanovice, Inky and Czechman!

      Yes PK was what seller suggested, I don't think it's by them either. I too find it unusual, especially base color, it's either light amber or yellow.
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      ----------> DROOL !!!!!

      Green with envy!!!

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