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Chevelleman69's loves1929 of 25411939-1941 Coca Cola Clock1891 Henry Clay Camera - a rare American camera
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (2 items)

    Collecting for about 20 years. Still get excited with every new...old find! Will post new pictures of more in the future. Thanks for looking. This is part 1 of my 2 part basement collection.

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    1. trunkman trunkman, 12 years ago
      Very impressive by any standard -- so wonderfully displayed. This is what the best of passion and creativity looks like!
    2. cindyjune cindyjune, 12 years ago
      Amazing collection! And so red! Thanks for sharing!
    3. nldionne nldionne, 12 years ago
    4. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Incredible collection and addiction! Thanks for sharing!
    5. EJW-54 EJW-54, 12 years ago
      Wow, thats one way to brighten up a basement! LOL
    6. pickrknows pickrknows, 12 years ago
      Holy Smokes!! Thats a ton of good stuff right there! Nicely displayed!
    7. junkmanjoe junkmanjoe, 12 years ago
      Thats awesome! What A collection You got there. My Dad Is A Retired Firefighter for the city of Charleston Sc. He Would Love to see Your Collection!

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