Posted 12 years ago
(762 items)
Another of the Saturday morning buys a few years ago. I paid too much for it, but I just liked the colour combination. The shape is a nice quirky element as well.
This is the third of the Sommerso pieces that I had put together for this week. I've been looking around again for an example of this sticker hoping to find out if this was a Seguso or not. Most of the industrial pieces from Murano just had stickers. This one is different in that it has two shades of brown. The casing is in a light brown and the 'sommerso' another brown.
It is just shorter than the other uranium blue combo. I've put them together for a 'group shot'.
Perhaps someone has a comment about this sticker?
H: 28 cm or 11.2"
Many thanks mustangtony and to you too Sean. Happy Australia Day! The 26th January is our national day.
Hi V, doing well? Cold as can be here. Hear you are having a heat wave.
Many thanks Amber!
Waltzing Matilda! BBQing?
Hell no! It's hot and humid. I'm too old for it! The youngsters are all down at the Quay! The supermarket was packed early with everyone preparing for the bar-b. Just doing some research of Franz Tomschick and the glass around Teplice. It's -10 there now I know. How are you surviving?
Paella it is! I had to come home and use all our hot water just to thaw out. I told my customer back in October to get moving so we wouldn't have to start up in January.
Best laid plans...frozen.
Good Night Bellin68 and yes, this weather does suck big time. Now we are getting snow. My hubby just had surgery so I'm doing everything. I can honestly say I have never, ever started or used a snow blower. Sad huh?
Allirish, sounds like you have done it right. Hope the hubby is healing.
V, I am crafting an email to Hunter of CW. I want to see if we can find a place to converge. Interested in a trip to the States?
Will run it past the other half.
Ellen's coming here!
Free place to stay in Chicago!
Hey, Amber, thanks for your great offer! By the way how is the young bairn, better?
Hi! Really beautiful! I was just reading up on Murano Glass, It is very colorful! I may have a sterling cross that is Murano? I will post tomorrow! The beads of No. Africa look like Murano Glass. Again really pretty!
Many thanks to you toracat. Looking forwad to seeing it!
I agree, Sean. Plus or minus ten years?
Thanks Sean, I'd had a look through these two but haven't found my label, yet....
Good link Sean. You obviously got some sleep.
V, my daughter is feeling much better thank you for asking. No one else seems to be coming down with anything. Purcell and Lysoll turned the trick I hope.
Well that and the Haz mat suits.
Many thanks go to slave to the G, GreatSnowyOwl and to you too Phil!
Wonderful collection and ensemble!! : )
Many thanks miKKo! How are you?
You're most welcome, sir! Doing great tonight, thank you! How about you? Hot there, is it? Ah, those fires - I can hardly imagine the horror....You Aussies are tough.
Belated but best wishes for very fine Australia Day! : )
We woke to rain on Sunday morn. The humidity is high and some parts of the North are flooded already. Rain, bushfires, flies and mossies! The full gamut! And the year has just begun, what have we done?
Yes, Australia has suffered grievously. I do hope that these fires and floods will end soon! As for flies and mossies, ah, they will linger. Mossies are no laughing matter. Being from the deep South, I understand.... : (
Many thanks Justanovice!
No Sean. I think this one is different to the others on those two sites.
Many thanks Hedge and BHock too!
Many thanks musikchoo!
Thanks again pops52!
Many thanks inky!
Nice group!
Many thanks beyemvey!
Many thanks Mani!
Many thanks pops52!
what a stunning collection !!! love the colors!!!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE!
do you search through this page allready?
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT !!!!!!
Many thanks JBINGHAM !!!!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!!
label looks generic, nice combination gingerbread - nairobi, no granula in the sommerso, bit incongruent , this is quite well , well done
Thanks APOSTATA !.!!.!