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Drunk Wolf Doll

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (3 items)

    Have you ever seen this "Drunk Wolf" doll before?
    In researching it I sent a photo to the Warner Bros. / MGM archives to
    see if it may be a "Tex Avery Wolf Doll" from the classic cartoons like "Red Hot Riding Hood" but Leith Adams said he did not recognize it. Dave Smith at the Disney Archives was also unable to identify it. I have
    seen two other copies of this same doll but the owners had no idea where it came from. One of the copies of the doll had a martini glass in its hand and a hat on its head. I speculate that it could be a "Prototype" of a character doll from the 1930's or 1940's that was produced in a limited quantity.
    I just found another copy of this same wolf. I forwarded this ad to Disney and again they said it is not theirs. Why would the Big Bad Wolf wear a tuxedo?

    This doll stands 18" tall, his head and body are stuffed with cork.
    His face, chest, hands and shoes are made of cork packed felt. The fur, I think, is wool. The features of his teeth, mouth and other line detail appear to be painted on. I think his eyes are glass.

    Any information or ideas of the origin of this doll would be greatly

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. aboutintime aboutintime, 14 years ago
      What a great old doll...
    2. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I saw one somewhat like that some years ago and bid on it. I went up to $150 and gave up!
    3. josh, 14 years ago
      just curious if you found anything else out, i have the same one
    4. josh, 14 years ago
      email me if so
    5. cricket3, 14 years ago
      I love this doll! I had a stuffed wolf when I was a little girl who looked a lot like this fellow only smaller. I have no idea what happended to him. He has long gone by the wayside. Wish I had kept the ole boy. Cricket in Texas
    6. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I have had this stuffed wolf on my watch list since I lost him on eBay. Who ever he is he is worth a chunk of change.
    7. rasberry27834, 6 years ago
      I have this Wolf doll still. Got it when I was 3 years old in 1964. I have a photo of me on my tricycle holding it. As for origin I’m not sure either. The wolf character was a stereotype of drunken women chasing men at the time and there were more than one character I’m sure but Tex Avery’s is the most famous IMO.

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