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Need help identifying these DECO (!) Roycroft bookends

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (40 items)

    Greetings all,
    I recently bought this pair of copper & brass DECO-STYLE (!!) Roycroft bookends, and was hoping that someone could tell me more about them. They are 5 inches high, and I know that's a "late" (1930's?) Roycroft mark, but that's about it. As you can see, the four layers of reddish copper triangles make a beautiful contrast to the brass.

    I was blown away by the ultra-deco design, and have been unable to locate even a single other pair for the sake of comparison. I'm assuming (and this is just an "assumption") that they didn't make many such sets because they probably didn't sell- seeing as how this design is SO radically different from every other "more traditional" Roycroft bookend I've ever seen!

    Oddly enough, just ONE day after I bought them I came across a Roycroft pen tray on ebay with the same mark and the same basic design, and of course I bought it immediately. Perhaps one of you has seen THIS before, if not the bookends...?
    Any info would be greatly appreciated, so thanks in advance!

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      A beautiful set!
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Really fab!
    3. Hyp-storian, 12 years ago
      Thanks for all your comments- it's nice to hear that other collectors share the same appreciation for this highly uncommon Roycroft design! I think at the time they WEREN'T appreciated because they differ too much from the "traditional" bookend designs- which is probably why I've been unable to locate another set for comparison...
    4. stefdesign stefdesign, 12 years ago
      I'm not a Roycroft expert by any means, but I do agree that it's from a later period. I know there are Roycroft catalogs out there, which have many of their designs, but I don't know anyone who has these. You might try sending your photos to Paul Jackson, who has an awesome Roycroft website:
      He might be willing to go through his catalogs to see when your bookends were made. Or perhaps he can help you find another source of information.
    5. Hyp-storian, 12 years ago
      Thank you kindly, Stef. I just emailed Paul, and hope he'll be able to either enlighten me himself or provide contact info for another source.
    6. peteeone peteeone, 11 years ago
      Very nice bookends; I found these similar ones on the internet:
    7. Hyp-storian, 11 years ago

      Yes, somewhat similar- but I've never been able to find another pair identical
      to these. I "probably" overpaid for them at $360, but I simply HAD to have them because the design appealed to me so much; and they are in very good condition (unlike those at that auction link).
      In hindsight, I've never regretted paying "too much" for anything I really loved,
      I've only regretted missing out on those things that I let go by because, at the time, I wasn't willing to "pay the piper".....

    8. olivebranch, 10 years ago
      Hi, I had just looked at your bookends (which are beautiful, by the way) when I checked on the Roycroft book page. In one of the books I think I see your bookends!
      (Sorry, I do not know how to add the hyperlink here.)
    9. Hyp-storian, 10 years ago
      Thanks for providing the link, olivebranch!

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