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Cameron Clay Works, Cameron, WV

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (650 items)

    Sometimes collections take on a life of their own. Savoy China used 24KT gold and it stood out from most of the other potteries. For a long time I collected this as Savoy since it did say 24KT Gold on it. Then I bought a piece and the seller said her Uncle had made it for her Aunt at the Cameron Clay Works. Turns out there is little information about it outside of Cameron, WV. I wound up selling this collection to folks from Cameron...I hope they write a book or something, it is really superb craftsmanship.

    O K, O K, I bought the last two pieces after I sold the collection. You just can't quit Cold Turkey !

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    1. Robert Fox, 15 years ago
      Hi Folks
      This is very nice pottery from cameron cley products .I have a canister set That is stamped Cameron ClayProducts the only thing i have that is stamped in this way .
    2. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 15 years ago
      Do you have pictures ? send me an email
    3. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 15 years ago
      LOL, I didn't recognize you as Robert...should of said "mutt". Show us you collection !
    4. a_neely79, 15 years ago
      If you still have these pieces and would like to sell them please contact me. My grandfather worked for Cameron Clay Works until it burnt down in 1964. I am looking for any pieces made in Cameron, WV. My email is
    5. peggy parsons, 14 years ago
      can you tell me who you sold to
    6. peggy parsons, 14 years ago
      know anyone wanting to sell cameron wv pottery?
    7. Jay, 13 years ago
      I have a large weeping gold panther. as well as a weeping gold rooster planter
      Has 24 K Gold blalck ink stamped and written in pencil Cameron Pottery.. Can anyone tell me if this was made in Cameron WV.
    8. bonnie howard, 13 years ago
      I have a complete light blue canister set, small chip on one of the lids, otherwise in great condition. Have had it for many years, really don't want to part with it.
      Have never seen another like it, except today when I looked at ebay. There's the same set, in much worse condition, being offered at $200.
      Will keep you in mind in my foraging expeditions.
    9. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 13 years ago
      Jay...sorry for the delay...I believe they both were made at Cameron. I have been doing research as to wether these pieces could have been made by McCoy. The gold rooster is in fact on ebay now for $70ish and listed as McCoy. There is no evidence to suggest that McCoy used this mark and certainly no proof.

      The canister sets are rare because they have CAMERON CLAY PRODUCTS embossed in the bottom. Good news/bad news...the sets are hard to find, however, not many collect them. I'm glad you have an excellent set.
    10. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 13 years ago
      Peggy, I can be reached at

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