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Daum Cameo Glass Lamp

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French Art Glass383 of 455Daum or Legras Cameo Glass Vase ?Unsung Heroes of Glass # 4 Pierre D’Avesn –the man who worked for almost everyone
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (38 items)

    Hello: I bought this lamp in Williamsburg, VA about 16 years ago from a well-respected antique dealer / appraiser. It was presented as an unknown/unsigned cameo glass lamp. I felt that this was a very high-quality lamp and had a hunch that a lamp of this quality might indeed have some form of identification. I purchased the lamp and paid a good price. At home, upon closer examination,I loosened the keeper nut under the metal base and rotated the glass. There are three paws that cradle the glass and the now visible glass area, to my joy, presented me with an impressed signature "Daum, Nancy". Needless to say, I was extremely happy with my purchase. I don't think that this lamp ever had a glass shade and had this shade custom-made with old Victorian material. Regards.

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      very pretty indeed however looks more like le verre francais
      but i,m no expert
      all the very best malkey
      1412 the omega man
      27th march 2020 year
    2. Nootch Nootch, 5 years ago
      Malkey -
      It is signed/etched in the glass "DAUM".
    3. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      hi ya nootch like i say i,m no expert however i acquired a hanging cameo light shade ceiling light and the decor similar to a degree but no le verre francais signature and no candy cain ,,, your piece looks superb & mottling which your item has is a sign of daum ,,, i would say production of your piece could be 1930s
      all the very best malkey
      the omega man 1412
      27th march 2020 year

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