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Tango 3-Handle: shape#6 Ball shape bowl

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Loetz Art Glass1915 of 2298Deco Era Loetz Cobalt PapillonMy Easter Egg - Mystery
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (236 items)

    This is one of my favorite shapes because they are cheaper to buy and display great in a group. I only need the largest size witch I have seen either broken or $1200 measures 3/12"h x 10"w.

    You can see it in cameo, enamel decorated, iridescent, and most often in tango. By tango I mean two colored in contrasting detail but there are exceptions... Patty has a bowl in the third picture upper left corner with three colors (hopefully she will someday sell it to me). This bowl is at the center of my theory that these pieces were made by kralik too, since this shape is marked in both the oval and script czech mark. Oval marks are for late 20's Loetz while the script signature can be found on kralik tango- In this same "cased glass" style...

    ...So cased tango = Kralik, Script signature = Kralik; Just because these shapes are the same doesnt mean they were made by the same glass factory.

    (L-R in box)
    1. White with cobalt cameo
    2. Tangerine with cobalt cameo
    3. Ivory with purple cameo
    4. Yellow with cobalt cameo
    5. Green with Peche (Pronounced "pe-ka") style enamel
    6. Lavender with Hosch enamel decor
    7. White with Wilms enamel decor
    8. Red with Peche style enamel decor
    9. Gold cased with black with cobalt blue handles
    10. Cobalt iridescent
    11. White with black vertical stripes and three handle applications
    12. Pink, just...plain old pink

    p.s. Any endangered species might be added to this collection by email me, thank you, Jericho

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    1. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      Loetz did have a script mark they used some times. I have it in another classic loetz shape.
    2. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      if you are refering to the prunted with spiral trumpet vase, i thought of that too but those might be loetz as well... maybe

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