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Display of a few Toy and Miniature Sewing Machines

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davidholmes's loves1 of 2Latin "Centennial" w/ “M.R.” Decals - FeatherweightLatin "Centennial" w/ “M.R.” Decals - Featherweight
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (2 items)

    This is a small display of toy and miniature sewing machines set up for a social group. While we've been collecting them for 18 years, most at this gathering never knew they existed.

    Non-Singer Sewing Machines
    See all
    Rare Antique Grover & Baker sewing machine 1868 w/Stand
    Rare Antique Grover & Baker sewing ...
    Antique Sewing Machine ALL LEAD hand-cranked sewing machine with case from japan
    Antique Sewing Machine ALL LEAD han...
    Antique Willcox & Gibbs sewing machine Cast Iron Base Nice Condition.
    Antique Willcox & Gibbs sewing mach...
    Antique Early 1900s F.W. Mfg Co Midget Childs Sewing Machine
    Antique Early 1900s F.W. Mfg Co Mid...
    Rare Antique Grover & Baker sewing machine 1868 w/Stand
    Rare Antique Grover & Baker sewing ...
    See all


    1. Lisa, 14 years ago
      I have an old Singer sewing machine table (with the machine inside) if you're interested in buying.
    2. MaRS MaRS, 14 years ago
      Lisa, I really appreciate the opportunity. We are out of room for any more full-sized machines. We have at least one in every room and some out in a building. We concentrate on the toys and miniatures. We are both really interested in any sewing machines, but try not to let them follow us home. :-)
    3. Pam-and-J.C.Elliott Pam-and-J.C.Elliott, 14 years ago
      A Great Collection! Can you add more pictures and anymore details of yur machines?
      Thanks again!
    4. MaRS MaRS, 14 years ago
      Yes, I'll put up a some more from time to time. Any in particular you are interested in? We have a few that are unique, either by their condition, or the manner in which they came to us. Glad you like them!
    5. WYQuilt WYQuilt, 14 years ago
      Absolutely adorable!
    6. davidholmes davidholmes, 13 years ago
      Thanks for sharing such a lovely collection, they don't make them the same anymore
    7. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      Here is the Singer mannikin that was sold with Singer sewing machine I mentioned :-) Doll is ugly I think but kit is nice and so are patterns
    8. chabey, 12 years ago
      Hello, my eyes pop out when I saw the display with all that cute gems sewing machines, I am a collector too ,and the toy machines that I have they sew , some of them I repaired it by myself and another ones that i bought they where sewing, for me is important when they are full functioning I encounter them more attractive in the way that some of them are 100 years old and still working .well. I hope we can see more pics of your collection.

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