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Latin "Centennial" w/ “M.R.” Decals - Featherweight

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (45 items)

    Singer produced a special badge commerating their 100th Anniversay. "A Century of Sewing 1851-1951". It was applied to the machines produced during the late 40's early 50's as a selling startegy. The badge was also applied to those machines still in the warehouse as evidenced by this earlier date of "Aug. 19th, 1947" 221 Featherweight.
    The other unique feature that this machine has is the not-often-seen "M.R." decal under the badge and on the rear of the arm. The "M.R." trademark indicates this 221 was being produced for the “Latin/ Mexican/ South American market. It was cast in Scotland, assembled in Canada with a St. John's Quebec marked motor.
    We've only seen this one in our travels - a rare combination. and a an excellent mainstay of our collection.
    Pam & J.C. Elliott

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    1. Pre64 Pre64, 14 years ago
      Very nice Featherweight! Congratulations on your find.....
    2. yellowjeep yellowjeep, 12 years ago
      I actually have one "A Century of Sewing 1851-1951" it was made in 1948 in Canada and is a 128 model. It has the M.R. under the decal which means
      " marca registrada -> registered trademark
      It is stamped St. John's P.Q. on the motor.

      Hope you found this interesting :)
    3. mikemitchell, 8 years ago
      Interesting. I too have a special badge commemorating their 100th Anniversary. "A Century of Sewing 1851-1951". Same it was made in 1948 in Canada and is a 128 model. It has the M.R. under the decal and is stamped St. John's P.Q. on the motor. My mom used this Singer until she passed and I found it in her attic. Just looked so old but has serial # JC so that would make it 1948.

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