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The Bell Telephone Company

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (321 items)

    The owner of a local cafe gave this tool to me last night and wanted to know what it was used for. He said his father worked for Pacific Telephone & Telegraph back in the forties and fifties. The tool is marked
    Bell System #165L mfg. by J.S. Popper Inc. Any thoughts out there. On 1/20/11 I did a little patent research and found this, a wire wrapping tool.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      Hay ttom, just a thought. when they role out wire from the spool, this could be the tool to straighten the wire so it don't get tangled? just a wild guess......
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Not a bad idea, how about open wire.
    3. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      It should do that too.
    4. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      In the same vein...when you roll out some line, hold this in your hand as in picture one. Push in the back side so the hook goes over the wire. The wire should restin the two up turned flanges. This would allow for a long run of wire without "burning" your hand. Quick release, too.
    5. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      Now U got the Idea, Savoy....

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