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The Donalson Jockey Cycle

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (9 items)

    This was purchased at a farm auction in Indiana. It was manufactured by J. E. Donalson MFD. Co., North Kansas City Mo.. I have not seen anything like it before, any ideas? What could it be worth? Thank you.


    1. MaRS MaRS, 14 years ago
      Looks like you have a collection of various Irish Mail type vehicles! Interesting. My son had a Murray that was chain driven in the 1960s. It didn't last long...poor engineering. Maybe another collector will know more about these fun toys.
    2. Happythisway Happythisway, 14 years ago
      It would be fun to see a kid ride this thing. Must have bounced up and down like a jockey in order to make it run. Neat item!
    3. Pat Eide, 14 years ago
      I grew up with the jockey cycle, but our front wheel and over all look of it, was more like the tricycle..... it was great exercise but we didn't know it because we were too busy getting it to go faster !! I would love to build one if I knew how it worked !
    4. Jill P, 14 years ago
      This looks really cool? Are you thinking of trying to restore this? I was wondering if I could find out more info about this!!! If you can email me any kind of info that you might have would be greatly appreciated! thanks!
    5. Dave H, 14 years ago
      The Jockey Cycle was manufactured between about 1946 and 1948 when the Donalson Company was in business. I have one in very good condition with all the rubber etc. The red paint is a little faded from being outdoors for a number of years. There really are no records to know how many were manufactured but they were sold across the country. One in good shape recently sold for over $450.00. I have seen them in museums and a few in old barns in the mid-west.
    6. Scotty , 13 years ago
      I am restoring one , back to show room condition ,
      Scottys Restoration , Manvel Texas
    7. vickytrent, 12 years ago
      i also have one of these donaldson jockeycycles. I know several years ago, one so,d for like 8400.00 in the schroeders collectors book, i believe it was. i am willing to sell mine, it is in pretty good shape, better then the ones posted above.
    8. wf_teaff, 6 years ago
      I am looking to purchase one of these, but it is missing a rear tire. Any idea where I could find one?

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