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Tools and Hardware8290 of 10136Industrial Knife Sharpner VintageThis tool is made by pexto. I looked it up and it said it is a horseshoe splitter. I think it is a little small for this.
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (95 items)

    I don't think it's particularly old...But it sure comes in handy! It's a big one. I put the penny on it to give it some scale....

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      You mean 2 pennies. Oh, just closed 1 eye & it is 1 penny! Just coming in from 1st nite party of Heineken Regatta. What a relief, I thought I was double-parked next to myself!
    2. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks kerry, bb, and tony!!
    3. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks pops and walks!!!
    4. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Roycroftbooksfromme1!!!
    5. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Bell!!!
    6. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Phil, We have a couple as well. One has a handle that's made from wood from the Wye Oak. Here's a link about the Wye Oak:
    7. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      toolate I also love these and boy do they come in handy :-) I have my grandmothers still which is my favorite .
    8. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Mani! Yes they do come in handy...
    9. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks birdie and officialfuel!!!
    10. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks again petey!!
    11. carmenisacat carmenisacat, 12 years ago
      Such a great tool for collectors!
    12. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      I agree carmen's
    13. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Kev!!!
    14. Dr.e13, 12 years ago
      I have one, it is useful and aestheticly pleasing. They are being new manufactured and available for purchase.
    15. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Dr.e13, I've had mine ten years or so. It was a gift from my wife who for some reason thought I could use it... She was right! lol....
    16. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Phil and trunkman!
    17. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Miss Kentucky!!
    18. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Moonstonelover21, As you always say...Thanks for the loving!!
    19. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 12 years ago
      Sweet! Whatever the age, you won't find anything of this quality in the stores today. Very nice find!
    20. toolate2 toolate2, 12 years ago
      Thanks PW, Phil and Nick!!!
    21. toolate2 toolate2, 9 years ago
      Thanks Radegunder, ttomtucker, and everybody else I've missed thanking on this one!!

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