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antique cooler

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Coke Coolers422 of 457Coca Cola cooler chest circa 1930'sVintage Coca-Cola Machine/Chest-Cooler
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    My parents have this old pepsi/coca-cola??? cooler they are trying to sell but we are having trouble figuring out what kind it is. Does anyone have any information about this item or can direct to someone who can give me some additional information. Thank you.

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    1. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Never seen one like this. One Coca Cola didn't use Pepsi colors?? Could be a made up machine? Anyone?? Dave
    2. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      Is it All metal? Could be a repainted Double Cola one....
    3. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 14 years ago
      Look it over and see if you can find a metal plate with a makers name. On back or side? Dave
    4. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      This is a 1970's cooler, but coke, pepsi, or any other advertising. It's just looks like a plain cooler with a coca cola decal. One thing you can tell that it is not coke, is that they would never use blue as one of their main colors.
    5. SSmoothie, 14 years ago
      Is that a wood top and sides?

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