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Selro Selini? Costume Jewelry Bracelet and Ring

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (60 items)

    Whenever I go to estate sales my favorite item is the costume jewelry. Last Friday I went to one in Downtown Denver, it was a Mansion! These are a few of the items I picked up. None of them are marked with names. I think the ring and bracelet are from Selro Sellini, maybe from the 1950's. Because that company didn't mark all there items, especially in the early years. I don't have a costume jewelry book with Selro in it, so I am hoping someone out there will confirm it! All of the rings were in one bag, and they are adjustable. They are BIG and BOLD.

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    1. vintagemad vintagemad, 14 years ago
      Wow lucky you! We never get estate sales in the winter. I think people assume that estate sales are only for summer like garage sales, I know I would be first in line. As to your thoughts of Selro I think you are right on, what a fantastic set, all those rings too! You think you could get a pic of the back up that would help to get an even better for sure answer. Thanks for sharing and happy hunting!
    2. TamaraB TamaraB, 14 years ago
      I love going to estate sales when it just snowy enough to stop a lot of people from going, but not quite snowy enough to cancel the sale. I am kinda shocked that I found this piece because I was way back in the line. But my nemesis wasn't there! She generally is in front of me. :-) Ha Ha.
    3. TamaraB TamaraB, 14 years ago
      I forgot something, the set is not Selro because of the clasp, it is not a fold over clasp. It is a push in style.

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