Posted 12 years ago
(349 items)
To follow up on my recent post of an Al-Vista 5-F convertible panoramic camera, here is a more basic model: 5-B. It is mounted on a tripod to show the retarder fan that regulates the lens swing speed.
The 5-B used 5" roll film and could make 5x4, 5x6, 5x8, 5x10, or 5x12 inch photographs. There is a setting on the camera that restricts the amount of lens swing to make different sized pictures.
It sold for $30 ($755 in 2012 dollars) which is substantially less expensive then the 5-F, but still rather high in price for a specialized camera.
Neat camera rob-- based on appearance, I would have thought that this was 1920s or later.
I appreciate your continued "camera educationals"!
Thanks, toolate2!
Thanks, Scott ... always appreciate your commends and glad you're enjoying the cameras.
Thanks officialfuel and mustangtony!
Thanks, walksoftly!
Thanks, blunderbuss2!
Thanks, Eric!
Thanks, sanhardin!
Thanks, chrissylovescats!
Thanks Sean and f64imager!
Thanks, petey!
Thanks, sugargirl!
Thanks, pops52!
Thanks, Designer!
Thanks, Henry!
Thanks, Hardbrake!
Thanks, kygurl32!
Thanks, Sean!
Thanks, aghcollect!