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Kodak Panoram No.1, Model A, "Tropicalised"!

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (52 items)

    Rob's Panoramic Cameras reminded me of this humbler version that Kodak produced; you don't need to be a collector to see that it is not quite as it left the factory; let me tell you a story. This camera came to me free of charge; nobody would have paid one cent for it. It was a poor broken orphan of a thing, supposedly covered in leather except that 75% at least of the leather was missing and the other 25% was in tatters. But the wood underneath looked good, (like mahogany to me), and because it was a well-meant gift from someone who knew I collected cameras, I decided it had to live. So I stripped it to the bare wood and polished it, and replaced the front cover which was absent. Well, I think it looks good, anyway, although a Kodak collector would probably accuse me of sacrilege, even if the only alternative was the tip. I call it the only "Tropical Panoram" in existence. Just my bit of fun, but the serious question is, why would anybody carefully craft a camera out of such beautiful wood and then stick black leather all over it, in the first place?

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    1. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks mustangtony!
    2. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks pops52!
    3. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN68!
    4. rniederman rniederman, 12 years ago
      It makes you wonder if Kodak should have created a tropical model ... looks good ... nice work!
    5. rniederman rniederman, 12 years ago
      Also forgot to comment that you can run 120 film through the camera; I've done it with a No.1 and it works pretty good.
    6. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks, Rob. I think it shows the dedication of that era to quality; they could just as easily have used pine, or old orange crates.
    7. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks chrissylovescats!
    8. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks officialfuel!
    9. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks miKKochristmas11!
    10. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks petey!
    11. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Longings!
    12. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago

      Thanks mtg75!
    13. ericevans2 ericevans2, 12 years ago
      Thanks Antigue Toys!

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