Posted 12 years ago
(64 items)
Some of Nikon's best... I have each one of these posted separately with more details if interested. Thought it would be neat, for lack of a better word, to show the progression of the "F"models side by side. A few accessories have been added since the original posts. So what you see is all three fully dressed models except for bulk film backs and running from left to right is the original 1969 F Photomic, 1973 F2s Photomic, and the 1983 F3AF with data back.
Okay ... not wood and brass but I've always had a soft spot for pro-Nikon gear. - Rob
Thank you very much rniederman and mustangtony
Yeah, these were simply the BEST Nikons ever built and were designed to shoot thousands and thousands rolls of film! I miss my F2 with the graph viewfinder. Nice cameras buddy!
Thank you zguy2112! Yes I agree...built to perform and last.
Thank you Sizzle.