Posted 12 years ago
(1003 items)
Here is a Toronto Souvenir Photo Book published in 1891, Toronto's Centennial year. This volume was brought to life by J. McConniff, of Montreal.
Measuring 23 by 15cm, this hardcover book features many images of TO, from reproduced drawings of its early days to photos and engravures chronicling its growth from an Indian village to its 100th Anniversary.
This is a collection of wonderful images complemented by the fine use of "The King's English".
Thank you, Bellin!
Hi, musikchooo...thanks very much!
Hello, mustangtony....thanks for the love!
Hello, officialfuel...thanks for the love!
Hi, pw-collector...thanks for the love!
Greetings, vetraio50....thanks for the love!
Looks very interesting.
How many images in the book?
How did you acquire the book?
Hi, David, this really is an interesting book, as it relates the story of TO from its beginning til 1891. It also describes other areas in close proximity such as Niagara Falls, The St. Lawrence, and other natural spots. The text is engaging and descriptive. That way of communicating is wonderfully refreshing.
There are about 50 images within this book, mostly of Toronto, but a number are of the surrounding areas.
I acquired this volume at a flea market near my Pennsylvania home a few years back. The owner's name was on the inside cover, and he was a local man, so I assume that he either took a trip to Canada, or someone returned to to the States with this as a souvenir for him.
This was another inexpensive find, for which I am grateful!
Thanks for your questions, and if you would like further info, please let me know....Ted
Would love to see some of the images in the book if you have time to post some.
My third great grandfather & his family arrived in York (Toronto) in 1816, the government wanted families that were loyal to Britain.
Earlier during the American revolution he was captured & imprisoned at the same time as Colonel John Graves Simcoe.
Yes, David, I can post some images...let me know if you'd rather me send you some to your email address. Have a fine day....Ted
Hi Ted I sent you an email.
Have a great day
Thank you, bratjdd!
Thank you, freiheit...I appreciate the love!
Thank you all for your love on this great book!