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Vintage Oak Kellogg Cathedral Wall Telephone

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (83 items)

    This is a gorgeous early 1900's quarter-sawed oak picture frame front single box/hand crank telephone. It was made by the Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co. of Chicago, Illinois. It is a standard bridging telephone, #2602. It has a cathedral style top. It has a Kellogg transmitter on the front, #717974-L. The back of it is marked "Chicago, USA PAT'D NOV 26, 1901". The bakelite receiver is marked "PAT IN USA DEC 4 1900~MAR 25 1901~MAY 20 1913~JUNE 3 1913". The hook switch inside is marked "PAT'D JULY 15, 1902". The phone has a heavy duty 5 bar magneto generator which is marked "Kellogg Chicago, USA". That size was used for farm lines/rural areas. The front of the cabinet has a pedestal with a catch for a pencil where the owner could write down messages.

    Below the generator the phone stored two dry cell batteries. Someone has installed a 1953 Philco Transitone 5 tube AM radio chassis (53-563) inside where those batteries would sit.

    It weighs 26lbs 11oz (12.11 kg). The cabinet measures approximately 9 1/8" (23.2 cm) wide (not including the crank lever/hook switch) & it is 25" (63.5 cm) tall.

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    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      That is a beautiful phone, such craftsmanship went into them.
    2. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 12 years ago
      Beautiful phone :))
    3. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 12 years ago
      Nice looking wall telephone, so many of these phones had radio's added during the 1950's and 1960's. Your Kellogg wall phone first appeared in a 1905 Kellogg catalog.
    4. Darseth Darseth, 11 years ago
      I just in inherited a phone of nearly the exact same model, this one has a patent date of 1905. From the pictures I see a few differences, but that seems to be in part to the Philco Transitone. It lacks the batteries though. Did you restore your phone yourself? If so, any tips or things I should be cautionary about?
    5. CollectiblesUnlimited CollectiblesUnlimited, 11 years ago
      @Darseth I am sorry for my late reply. All I did was clean the phone. It was in that condition when I bought it.
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      All the best to YOU & YOURS over the Festive Season !!!!!!
    7. CollectiblesUnlimited CollectiblesUnlimited, 10 years ago
      @vetraio50 Merry Christmas!

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