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Bohemian (Harrach or Josephinenhütte?) late 19th. c. enameled black glass lamp base (or vase)

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    This is a large, about 15" high lamp base, beautifully decorated with a bird, flowers and leaves. The enamel painting is very fine, detailed and colorful, almost three dimensional. The base is about 4.5" accross and there is a drilled hole in the middle, that goes through to the body. The base shows fine circular wear, so I guess there was a metal base connected to the glass in the past. About a year ago I found a pair of vase on eBay, with original old Josephinenhütte paper label. The painted flowers and the leaves showed very close similarity with the painting on my piece. The gold bands with the white enamel dots, around the opening and the base was also the same. So I think, my lamp base is Josephinenhütte. I am still a little confused, because I saw a few similar vases from Harrach. Now what do I have? Josephinenhütte, Harrach or else? Is it a lamp base, or a vase which was drilled later to make a lamp base of it? Any opinion is appreciated!

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    1. Tatu379 Tatu379, 12 years ago
      That's true! :) It is a real beauty.
    2. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      in a nutshell. it really could be either without markings or a sticker or a line drawing/ art work. Call it whichever you like better and I doubt anyone will argue with you. Either way it's a knockout!

    3. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      I do want to touch on typical bristol application. It's really not.. Bristol implies a very low quality art work. a few brush strokes to imply a bird or bush. what you have here is high quality artistry. Please don't use the word bristol in association with it :)
    4. Tatu379 Tatu379, 12 years ago
      Well, I purchased this awesome lamp base as "Bristol" glass, at least this word was written on a piece of old shop label. Ok, you are absolutely right! Average cheap Bristol glass has nothing to do with my vase (or lamp base). :))) There are breathtaking details and shades on that little bird! But everyday terminology still calls this "bird-flower-buds-leaves" decoration "Bristol". I just use it, because I didn't find any better word. :)
    5. ozmarty ozmarty, 11 years ago
      Don't know how I missed this stunning piece .. IMHO it is a vase that some one in it's long life has converter to an electric lamp. Also learn towards Harrach and like Greatsnowyowl I would refrain from using the B word when referring to such a high quality item.
      I Have similar and know how good this one is!~!!
    6. ozmarty ozmarty, 11 years ago
      oops my comment seems to have been put on twice
    7. toolate2 toolate2, 11 years ago
      Love this a lot!!!
    8. Tatu379 Tatu379, 11 years ago
      Thank you ozmarty, for your opinion, and the links. Those pieces quite similar to mine. I really like that beautiful custard vase, that' simply amazing! Oh! One more thing before I forget: No B words anymore in the title and description. :)
      Also thanks to toolate2 for loving my vase! :)
    9. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 11 years ago
      I really love this, so very beautiful!
    10. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      Just came across this lovely vase again .. beautiful..
    11. Tatu379 Tatu379, 7 years ago
      ...and I’m still the proud owner. I just love this black beauty! :)
    12. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      HI Tatu379 Glad you still own it . I just bought another beauty similar to this that has a lid .. I just love them ... regards from Australia ..Marty
    13. ozmarty ozmarty, 7 years ago
      the black glass is called Hyalith Glass
    14. Tatu379 Tatu379, 7 years ago
      Thank s for the info Marty! :)

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