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Variegated Satin glass vase with blue prunts, ca. 1920

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (649 items)

    Nice, 10" tall vase found on eBay recently. I'm picking up a "Welz"ian vibe (shape, particularly around the foot), or possibly Kralik (color combo). Decidedly Czech, could be any number of makers, but someone way back when had to take the credit!. Any thoughts or ideas welcomed.

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    1. jericho jericho, 12 years ago
      I think the ridge (donut on the foot) reminds me of kralik, like those goofy pitchers with 1,2 or 3 openings....I have had a few pieces with these "aureola" prunts signed with the Czechoslovakia in an arch shape. I would have no problem with welz because of the distinctive foot and size but i cant remember this type of "oily" satin finish on them. Killer piece anyway- the color intensity and velvet texture is very Kool!
    2. vetrissimo, 12 years ago
      I have a piece in a decor widely accepted as Kralik (one of the first decors to be so confidently attributed, more than 10 years ago). It's shape is very very similar to this. I'll post pics and link here.
    3. fishiowa fishiowa, 11 years ago
      My favorite thing about CW is enjoying seeing all the great glass, especially yours, but my second favorite thing is helping me identify my glass. I bought this identical vase a couple years ago and since it wasn't marked, wasn't sure if it was Czech or not. I bought it because I suspected it was, but mostly because I love the color. Thanks for posting and sorry it took me so long to find it.
    4. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 11 years ago
      Glad we could help :)
    5. Moonhill Moonhill, 11 years ago
      Thank you again. I have one just like it and was trying to find who made it.

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