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Loetz Gre. 691 with handles 7"

In Art Glass > Loetz Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Loetz Art Glass1843 of 2298Loetz Arcadia Rose Bowl, PN II-64, Dek I/107 ca. 1901Ferdinand von Poschinger Dunkelviolettes Vase (Buchenau) c.1900
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (79 items)

    To me, the ultimate Loetz vase is the one which has a red-on-yellow Hofstotter decor on a form with pulled handles. I believe it gets no better than this, including the Paris pieces. I love bizarre shapes, particularly those with pulled handles. The talent and workmanship required just boggle my mind.
    This piece came out of an estate auction in a small town just north of Kansas City, Mo. that was advertized in the ANTIQUE TRADER.......before eBAY. The ANTIQUE TRADER was a weekly publication printed and mailed out on a nwespaper format that I'm sure some of you old-timers like me will remember. (1996)

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    1. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      Absolutely stunning !
    2. SteveS SteveS, 12 years ago
      Lovely ...
      a Sculpture, a Jewel AND a work of glorious Artistic design all rolled into one ...
      and you can pick it up and touch it ! ... i.e. it has presence ...
      .. one of the Masters' pieces ...
      Thanks for the pic !
    3. dasullywon dasullywon, 12 years ago
      Like PG 356 and PG 358, but even a step beyond if that is even conceivable! Wow, wow, did I say wow? Absolutely the pinnacle, remarkable, unbelievable! I too thank you for sharing such a wonderful work of art.
    4. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      I'm with dasullywon.....wowss.......
    5. famatta127 famatta127, 12 years ago
      now these are the pieces I have come to know and covet!..Nothing but the best.
    6. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 12 years ago
      A prize in anyone's collection. What a stunning work of art. Thanks for sharing.
    7. kunsthammer kunsthammer, 12 years ago
      This is one of the finest examples of Loetz Glass here on CW. Congratulation, it's a stunning decoration on an extraordinary form.

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