Posted 12 years ago
(230 items)
I have been waiting a little while for this vase which I still don’t have..:-(..and is travelling to me as I speak via a very kind friend in the U.S. as the trader wouldn’t ship internationally…. it seems like for eeeeeeever!!!! since I bought it.
I wasn’t going to post it till I actually received it but! I have been very kindly given these photos, (to keep me quiet I suspect!;) and I thought what a lovely thing to do... to take the time to do this for me.. that I thought I would post his photos.
SO!!.. here it is my fabulous Heckert glass vase with Max Rade décor..I really have to thank cogito, because I have so often seen and admired his profile photo and is the main reason why I recognised this vase when I saw it…. I have added a link to cogito's vase and brilliant informative post!
My vase (going by the sellers details)…is 6.1/2 inches or 170cm tall.
Will update my post when I receive it.
Thanks for looking…:-)
Well you will have to add a photo of your new vase live and in person when it comes in. Really lovely!
Congratulations inky! It's a beauty! She's a beauty!
Thank you very much AmberRose.. I think it is a lovely too! and yes! I will add my own photo but! I think I will be hard pressed to better these...:-)
Many thanks vetraio a blonde Egyptian beauty she is!...:-)
Many thanks LoetzBuddies and Greatsnowyowl...:-)
Thank you Phil..checking the damn letter box every day since the! day it was posted…:-/
Hello mustangtony and nldionne thank you very much!...:-)
Many thanks LeahGoodwin I was quite excited when I found this one...:-)
Thank you BELLIN!...;-)
Thank you BELLIN..what a lovely thing to say when I am so jealous of some of the many wonderful things you find!...:-)
Another Fantastic find inky! Well done you!! Just Fab!!
Many thanks Alfredo ~ mikelv85 ~ Ted_Straub ~ blunderbuss2 and Justanovice!....:-)
Many thanks smiata and manddmoir ....:-)
Many thanks Manikin ~ S2G and dasullywon ....:-)
Many thanks Mac63 ~ JayHow ~ Walksoftly ~ bohemianglassandmore ~ petey ~ dlfd911 and Woman34....:-)
stunning inky and very beautiful:)
Thank you my dear friend!...:-)
Many thanks ks85 and Manikin....:-)
Your welcome darling inky!!!!!
Many thanks filmnet...:-)
I don't know how I missed this? Welcome to the Max Rade Club, Inky! Any marks underneath? Also, have you checked to see if it flouresces? I suspect not given the tint to the glass, but it never hurts to check...particularly on these later Heckert enamel vases.
Many thanks cogito and scottvez…:-)
It arrived yesterday and I have added a couple of my own photos and one of the base.
Cogito! I have really thank you… it was because of your profile photo and post that I recognized and looked more into this lovely glass.
I was quite! pleasantly surprised at the base colour which is quite different to what I expected, the seller described it as a smoky brown and! looked it in the photos.
I have checked and no it isn’t fluorescent and as you can see not marked but as I understand this is not un-usual.
Many thanks anastasianikol...:-)
Yip you have the eye... nice find ..I'm kind of fond of 2 huh..."-)) later
You could say a bit of a crush!..:+)
its a sweet heart...nice find..