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Chuck Sperry/Santi Pozzi poster for Pearl Jam in Argentina

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (241 items)

    This is my other recent Chuck Sperry score. It's a collaboration he did with South American artist Santi Pozzi for a Pearl Jam concert in Buenos Aires. Sperry did the eyeball monster, Pozzi did Gauchito Gil. It's a commentary on agri-business and soy beans and such, which is fine with me, but I just think the image is cool (it appeals to my inner-adolescent-male that never grew up...). Dimensions are 22 x 29 inches, and it's also a screenprint, but only four colors (the Hart poster in the previous post is 10). The text is screened on the back.

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    1. tom61375, 11 years ago
      I saw Pearl Jam at the Aladin Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 26, 1993. The openers were Mudhoney & Urge Overkill. They had a Green River Reunion with Stone Gossard & Mark Arm and the others from Green River. It was a legendary night for those of the "Seattle Sound" era. Love it!
    2. Belltown Belltown, 11 years ago
      Thanks Tom. That sounds like a great show. I did not see them until 1999, and that was at a Bridge School benefit. Since I posted this, Chuck Sperry has signed the print and Santi Pozzi will be in town for a rock poster show on the 19th, so I'm going to get his signature, too. ;-)
    3. tom61375, 11 years ago
      Not to brag, I also saw them in Virginia Beach, Virginia during the summer of 1991 before they were famous & called Mookie Blaylock. The song "Alive" is what drew me in. At 16 years of age, it was an anthem! =)
    4. Belltown Belltown, 11 years ago
      Brag away... ;-) I saw Pink Floyd perform most of Dark Side at Winterland, several months before the album dropped and it became a monster hit. Does that count? I think I was the same age as you at the time.
    5. Belltown Belltown, 11 years ago
      Just updated the images on this one because I met Santi Pozzi yesterday, who is a sweetheart of a guy and kindly signed my Pearl Jam poster. Pozzi printed the show posters for the actual gig in Buenos Aires, while Sperry printed the artist edition of 100 (which he signed), plus a batch of unnumbered and unsigned prints for Pearl Jam's 10Club, which is where I got this one. So, I ended up with the same print as the artist edition, except mine has no numbers on it but both signatures. Yesterday Pozzi told me that my print is the only one out of the batch that Sperry printed with both sigs on it, but since Pozzi has moved to the Bay Area for a few months to work with Sperry, that's likely to change.
    6. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      What a great piece and colection!
    7. Belltown Belltown, 8 years ago
      Thanks, Caperkid. I have a few more pieces to post; I'm way behind! Will try to post them this week.
    8. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Will be looking forward to seeing them.

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