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Camelback trunk circa 1870's or 1880's

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Trunks2685 of 2704Trunk1917 Sears, Roebuck and Co Catalog Pages
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (82 items)

    Camelback trunk, restored. Original lithograph visible. Great place to store sentimental things.

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    1. TrunkerMarvin TrunkerMarvin, 14 years ago
      Hi, nice old trunk. I've done a lot of research on these and this style was patented by Charles Taylor in March 1880, called the "cross slat" style. The metal latches on front were patented in 1882. The embossed metal trunks of this style were made mostly from the mid 1880's through the 1910's and are shown in trunk catalogs of those years. I have a 1908 trunk catalog that shows many styles of these embossed metal trunks similar to this one. Thanks, Marvin
    2. SMD SMD, 14 years ago
      Thanks, Marvin. I have it's provenance written down on a piece of paper all the way at the bottom of the trunk, buried under many items. I will need to dig it out because I thought it was 1870 something and came from Rhode Island. I could be wrong, perhaps it was 1880's.
    3. trunkermarvin, 14 years ago
      True story: A lady wrote to me with pictures of a similar style trunk several years ago. She said it came over on the Mayflower, yet it had parts on it marked "Pat. Mar.16, 80" which was 1880. I can provide you actual patent copies from 1880 and 1882 for your trunk parts if you would like. And usually when an item has patent dates it was actually made sometime after that year. In the case with trunks some of the parts were used for 30 years.
    4. SMD SMD, 14 years ago
      Not at all, I appreciate the information you provided. I just had it in my head that it was 1870's but with your information it seems 1880's is more accurate. I will dig out that paper when I get home from work.
    5. mrsmaziarz mrsmaziarz, 14 years ago
      some wut similar to my trunk, yet yours is in MUCH better have a very beautiful trunk...

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