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A beautiful HUGE iridized Czech KRALIK Vase 16 1/4" tall

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Bohemian Art Glass5965 of 6905CHRIBSKA -  JOSEF HOSPODKA (1923 - 1989)Erik Höglund Tricolor Bowl made in Chribska
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (152 items)

    The mystery has been solved thanks to Jericho's research and vast library of Czech glass photos! Posted above is the vase that I received from France along with a known Kralik with the iris décor sticker. Thanks to all of you for your input!

    here is the original post:

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    1. kralik1928 kralik1928, 12 years ago
      Thank you, the best research resource...better than museum shows, catalogs, or books is... a friend
    2. ozmarty ozmarty, 12 years ago
      I agree !
      Now where do I find one of these vases!!

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