Posted 12 years ago
(314 items)
Hello Again,
I picked up this charming pair of Chinese Boxwood Carvings a week or so ago.
Beautifully carved with great spirit/expression and details.
One has a label which reads, ' People's Republic of China '
The label looks vintage, the carvings are wonderful,
I was hoping that someone might be able to tell me something more about them?
Thanks very much,
Thanks for the love MustangT!
I think they are wonderful, historic images of the Cultural Revolution.
Thanks for the looks and loves, Kevin and Blunderbuss,
and Kevin, Thank You for the kind comment.
Best to you all for a terrific week ahead.
p.s., Kevin, what's your weather like at this time of year? I imagine it's your Winter season, but I don't know what that would be.
Cold. It's been raining for three days consistently. Worse still I'm waiting to have the air conditioner fixed. The heater is not working properly. Saturday was the coldest June day since 1932. It went down to 45.68F.
In 1932 it was the coldest June day with 35.78F.
Today we will have a min of 48 and a max of 61. Mostly cloudy.
We're suffering! ;(
Hello Kevin,
Thanks for the message, I've often wondered about the weather there but never thought to check online. I didn't realize it got so cold,....always imagine it Sunny,....I think I'll have to start spending my Summers there:)
I wish that I could send you some of the steamy days we're having, it's miserable. I don't handle the heat well, especially when it's humid, ( I've actually come home from work because of it, I'll return late afternoon to check fellowship hall and give the rest of the Church a quick going over ).
I hope it has stopped raining,
Take care and stay warm,
Thank You for the look and love, Petey.
I hope you're having a terrific Summer.
These are stunning!!!
Thank You for the looks and love, Bellin.
I hope you're having a splendid Summer,