Posted 15 years ago
(23 items)
The EMI record company has the largest catalogue of classical music in the world, it will be very difficult to get a complete collection of EMI´s.
EMI had many of the greatest artists of the time in their production, and are renowned for the great quality of their products, being heavy vinyl, great coverart, and mostly a very good sound, it feels great to stand with a EMI record in the hand, it speaks with pride of their workmanship, I try to get as many for my collection as possible, within my limits, being a normal worker with normal salary.
Some of the most expensive records are EMI´s, and are out of my reach. But luckily they have a huge catalogue to choose from. Most collectors prefer the white/gold first edition, but when it comes to the sound of the records I find that the 2 edition semicircle tend to sound far better the 1 edition, the disc-cutting process seems to be better on the second ed. and sound is troughly better, so i go for the 2 edition my self, as i am interested in the sound, not so much the rarity of the records.
1 st record:
ASD 251, is the first stereophonic record from EMI.
Rimsky Korsakov, Scheherazade, Beecham RPO.
it has classic tubesound, being superb midrange, highs and bottomsound a little restricted, but overall a very pleasing sound.
displays the normal rate of surface-noise which is normal for most EMI´s
2 nd record:
ASD 299, Prokofiev, Peter and the Wolf, Saint Sains Carneval of the Animals, Efrem Kurz PO
This is a very famous version of this music, and difficult to better.
The sound of this LP is simply great, with tubesound midrange, and highs and bottom without restriction, and super dynamic sound, this one will trill anyone listning to the music.
3 rd record:
ASD 278, Tchaikovsky, violinconcert in D,Mendelssohn violin concert in E, Constantin Silvestri, PO, Christian Ferras on violin
This is one of the rare EMI's in White/gold, and the sound and music is very good with that tuby midrange and fully extended dynamics, this is a really great record
4 th record:
ASD 537, Berlioz, Harold in Italy, Colin Davis, PO, Yehudi Menuhin viola.
Great music taking you through the Italian countryside music-wise, and again that tubesound midrange to die for, extended highs and bottom makes this a great record to listen to.