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Loetz Phänomen Genre 358 AKA Loetz Blackbottom

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (207 items)

    A Hofstätter decor in an unknown form, most likely made 1900-1901, standing 6.5" tall. I had a PG 358 but that was part of an inkwell set (see previous post.) That went to a friend that needed it to complete his desk set from 1900.

    This is my first "Blackbottom" vase. A few years ago I found one but returned it when the auction company failed to disclose it was damaged. I haven't been able to locate its production number yet.

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    1. famatta127 famatta127, 12 years ago
      Prices aren't discussed here.
    2. dasullywon dasullywon, 12 years ago
      Great one Tony. You know how I love the FH designs! This is an unusual 358, but then again they all have a certain uniqueness about them. Love the "mouth" shape . As they would say auf Deutsche "ausgezeichnet". Outstanding!
    3. cogito cogito, 12 years ago
      Ks85, it would sicken your stomach to learn how much of a steal Mr. T got with this piece. I saw it too, but stupidly was timid.
    4. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 12 years ago
      I bid too......but quit at $25,000. Only kidding. Stunning piece. AND HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO ALL.
    5. SteveS SteveS, 12 years ago
      ? therapy ??? ... should resolve those urges toward the display cabinet ... ;-)
    6. belleverre belleverre, 12 years ago
      Way to go Tony. She's a beauty!
    7. GlueChip GlueChip, 11 years ago
      Beautiful design.

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