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Singer Model 99 "Century of Progress - 1934"

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Singer Sewing Machines695 of 719antique singer sewing machine table with glass top dated 1884"Blacksides" - Singer Featherweights
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (45 items)

    This Singer Model 99 has a special significance to us as it was badged and sold at the 1934 "Century of Progress" World's Fair held in Chicago in 1934. The most notable machine that Singer exhibited & sold at the fair was the popular "Singer 221 Featherweight". All the Singer machines having this special badge are considered "very" hard to find and "rare".
    Pam & J.C. Elliott

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    1. Norma Bolton, 14 years ago
      WOW! This is the first time I've seen the exact case that houses my model 99K - however my instruction booklet shows copyright 1953, several years younger than the 1934 model. Thanks for sharing.
    2. Pam-and-J.C.Elliott Pam-and-J.C.Elliott, 14 years ago
      FYI, There a variety of cases that housed the Singer 99, predominately the tweed case pictured and a "Bentwood" case with domed top and keyed.
      Thanks for your comment.
      Pam & J.C.
    3. Theresa Vaughn, 14 years ago
      I have a model 99 and it's in what appears to be and original cabinet. The top lifts up, you then lift the machine out. Has anyone seen one of these before. All info I see online has these in carry cases.
    4. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      I also have a model 99 Singer in an original cabinet and one in a carrying case like the one above . I think that the cabinets may not be as common as the carrying case . But I could be wrong .
    5. J.C. Elliott, 14 years ago
      The Singer 99 was furnished in a variety of cases and configurations, i.e. electric, hand operated, & treadle. It is a 3/4 sized Singer, smaller than the larger version, the "66" and thus considered "portable". The "99" was known for its durability, long life as well as ease of use. It's a Singer "Classic"
    6. Eileen Weatherby, 14 years ago
      I love this Model 99K Singer Sewing machine and I am in SERIOUS need of an instruction booklet, Please help if you can tell me where to access this much needed Booklet.
    7. Val Heim, 14 years ago
      Here is a free download for Model 99 & 99K Singer instruction manual:
    8. Pam-and-J.C.Elliott Pam-and-J.C.Elliott, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the comments...It IS a very hard to find edition of the Singer 99...

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