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#5 Well made Coca-cola blue porcelain sign

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (132 items)

    This well made porcelain sign is a hard to tell that it's a fake. It looks, feels, and made old, but it isn't. This is a well made, but phony sign. Some guy is selling one on ebay for a little under 300 dollars. He either knows it's fake, and trying to rip you off, or dosen't know it, and thinks it's worth that much. I think everybody should know about this sign, before somebody gets a huge rip off. I have no idea off the year produced, but it's worth close to nothing. This sign is #5 on the countdown.

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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      Thanks for sharing so someone else doesn't get riped off.
    2. lawat56 lawat56, 14 years ago
      thanks for the info
    3. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      Would you mine sharing with us why its a fake. Would you point out what we should be looking for so we don't get taken.
    4. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      First of all, the script is all wrong, and crappy looking. Some of the earliest signs may look like this, but this one, if it were real, would be from the 30's or 40's, and would have a completely differant style to it. Obviously poorly designed, it has a "hand drawn" look on it. If this were truley a porcelain coke sign, quality is everything. The porcelain enamel looks right, and has enough age to make it look from the 30's or 40's. This is why it's "well made", not "well designed". Hope that's enough info.
    5. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      This is better than your cans
    6. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      This isn't mine, and I wouldn't have one cause it's fake. My cans are cool, but are common and are from the 80's. One is for new coke.
    7. Toyman Toyman, 14 years ago
      I love this one too>
    8. Steevied, 14 years ago
      Have you seen one of these in person?
      Coca Cola hired many companies over the years to produce advertising. Some were better than others. Perhaps this was a prototype or a sign makers attempt to gain business from Coca Cola. Maybe it was made for a foriegn english speaking country South America had some blue signs as did India. I have only seen one in person and I bought it. I own the sign in in this picture. YES, This exact very sign.
      I questioned the same things mentioned here, but ultimately decided to take the risk and buy the sign. I'd like you to really look at this sign. I'm sure if this is a fake you've never seen another. Why fake only one sign? If there's another I've not seen one. One has to look at this in reverse. If I were a counterfeiter I would not make $3.00 bills. Nor would I only make one, two or a dozen. I would make something that had an established value and I would make enough of them to make money. I have over 100 signs and nearly 100 coin op games and several nice Coke machines.. I am not a novice collector. You should treat all readers with respect and refrain from name calling.
      If you can prove this is a fake, I offer that challenge You should at least see it in person. I will send it to you to for analysis. There is oxidation on the edges and several edge dents. It appears the holes were present when fired. The back is smooth with rack lines from firing. Not rough like an Ande Rooney Repop. The front is Blue over white porcelain enamel. There are about 20 dents around the outside edge. you can see where the liquified enamel has settled near the edge showing is has not been cut from another sign. The blue on the right of the sign has discolored and become slightly oxidized as if it were under soil for some time. The blue porc. is thick! The sign is 9 7/8" tall and 14 3/8" wide. Feel free to contact me any time. I don't mean to be contraversial but at least you should have a hands on experience for every piece you condemn to fantasy pergatory.
    9. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      Steevied, this sign is under the fakes and reproductions in Petretti's coca cola 12th edition. Allan Petretti has 20 or 30 experts who give him information in his book. He says it is well made, but it is a phony. Fex may exsist, but it is still fake. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, my bad. But allan petretti's book is very reliable from a lot of experts. So really, me saying I got this out of Petretti's coca cola 12th edition is saying I got 20 or 30 experts behind me.
    10. earlycoke earlycoke, 14 years ago
      Sorry, but Cocacolakid is correct about the sign . . . I am one of those "contributor's" he is talking about. Your sign was made to deceive. Yes - it was obviously made by a person that is good at aging porcelain signs, but is not so good at getting the correct period graphics, type, logo, etc correct. That is where most if not all counterfitters go wrong. . . A lot of good folks other than you have been taken by those signs (I have seen others for sale in recent years), and several other similar ones including some very well made fake Coca-Cola Chewing Gum porcelains as well. A person has two choices: trust what other knowledgeable individuals are telling them and learn from it, or stick with their own point of view, and make similar costly mistakes again. This is a hobby where there are a lot of predatory folks faking and purposefully misrepresenting coke items, - paper, cardboard, and metal, and taking unwary individuals financially to the cleaners. It isn't good for the future of the hobby. . . By all means sir, if you feel we are wrong your sign is correct, then ignore us - and keep it - and be happy with it! We are just trying to help.
    11. earlycoke earlycoke, 14 years ago
      amen brother.
    12. kerry10456 kerry10456, 14 years ago
      There's one born every second, Thanks for the info cocacolakid97, maybe this will save someone a big headache
    13. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      You go ray!
    14. earlycoke earlycoke, 14 years ago
      quoting one of the past comments . . . " I'd like you to really look at this sign. I'm sure if this is a fake you've never seen another. . . "
      Well there is a red one on ebay now for 10 bucks starting bid. Go for it. You could have the only two known . . . .
    15. friedsquash, 13 years ago
      So are there real blue Coca Cola signs and other items? When and where and on what items was blue used? Does anybody know?
    16. earlycoke earlycoke, 13 years ago
      To my knowledge only one blue and white Coca-Cola sign has ever been reputed to be authentic. It is a very rare 8 x 24 inch pre-1900 sign. These blue signs shown above appeared in quantity suddenly about 5 maybe 10 years ago, along with some red ovals of the exact same design.
    17. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      Don't love the sign, love the fact this forum is being uesed for education. I believe I could have been taken in by that sign. Not now, I am wiser. Thanks Kid and Ray
    18. friedsquash, 13 years ago
      Ah, thanks earlycoke! The more knowledge the better.
    19. EJW-54 EJW-54, 13 years ago
      Guess what I got for Christmas............Petretti's 12th edition! This sign's on page 608
    20. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      i loved this just for all the comments
    21. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      There are always a number of these and similar blue signs up for auction on eBay, usually being peddled out of India or Thailand. For example, current, item
      and Seller has the audacity to ask $250 BIN or make an offer. Sheesh! Oh, and all private auctions. Of course.
    22. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      I also like all the titles these guys use on ebay too.... everything is "rare, vintage, and/or one of a kind"
    23. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      The seller from post 21 actually sold one for $200.

      Shame on the seller AND THE BUYER who didn't do the slightest research before spending his money.

    24. sodagas sodagas, 11 years ago
      My wife and I saw two red oval ones and a blue one at a salvage place in Otto, NC. Wanted to buy them as they were $65 each. But I was very skeptical in the fact I had never seen them before. I passed on them...
    25. Coke1234 Coke1234, 10 years ago
      Wow got to stay clear of that
    26. Coke1234 Coke1234, 10 years ago
      These red and blue signs are on ebay as I write this. Can't seem to get them off no matter what .

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