Posted 12 years ago
(648 items)
This one followed me home from the D.C. Big Flea (antique show) today. There is a piece in this decor on display in the Glasmuseum Passau (Room 20, Vitrine #16) Nice amethyst/tourmaline color with mottled purple spots, with textured glass threads wrapped around, matte iridescent. The iridescence on the bottom is as close to Loetz Turmalin as I've seen by any other maker. Unlike Turmalin, this piece by Poschinger appears to be cased. Perfect polished pontil and fire-polished rim.
Very cool. It looks like helios like working, but in this case it extends from the top down. The casing I've never seen before on a Poschinger piece...interesting.
I have a couple with casing. it definitely was something they did.
I wish there was a proper book about poschinger. for such an accomplished company there is very little information. I wish I'd have been able to visit them. Hopefully i'll get another chance.