Posted 12 years ago
(17 items)
This Czech Art Deco Era perfume bottle just arrived. Since there is no stopper it is a vase for now. It measures 5-7/8 inches tall with a 1-1/4 inch diameter cut rim. The rim edge is flat with a very small bevel at the exterior rim edge while the inner rim edge is left crisp with no bevel. The bottom measures 2 inches in diameter as does the widest area towards the top. It has no pontil and is slightly indented on the bottom from manufacture. Bottom has a gold colored Royal Art Glass sticker label. It was purchased in Brooklyn, New York.
Made of double cased glass with glossy clear interior and exterior layers. Innermost color layer is red splotchy or streaked coloring. This layer has some orange coloring and a few transparent areas between the colored vertical stripes. Yellow and black lines, streaks, or peloton style threads decorate the vase further over the red coloring. There are also a few orange colored streaks and spots.
I'm convinced that this decor is Ruckl, but have seen it attributed to Kralik. Royal Art Glass Co. was an importer of wares with a "factory" located at 243 Canal Street, New York, NY, USA. They imported a variety of products from multiple manufacturers. 4th Picture above shows an original 1925 Invoice from the company. The red printing reads "Office and Sample Room, 5-9 W. Union Square, N.Y."
243 Canal Street is an six story building in Manhattan / Little Italy. Construction of the building was completed in 1915. It's an office building with BOCA use group M. If it was an actual factory it would have been classified as use group F. It was likely more of an assembly or packaging plant and not actually a factory manufacturing products from raw materials.
*Last vase above shows this shape in orange with a reddish brown colored streaked or cased pelleton decor. Although the decor is similar to the red vase there are some differences to show variations in production. This example was added in case it helps anyone with an attribution. *
*Here's a link showing the Royal Art Glass paper label on glassware manufactured by Stolzle Hermanova Hut:
I would love hearing from anyone who has additional ideas on the manufacturer. Thank you!
What great shape style & colours it would be a shame to through away because of a broken stopper.
Thank you Zowie for the CW Love and nice comment. It may have been a vase too but we'll keep it either way.
Thank you vetraio50 for the CW Love!
Thank you dasullywon for the CW Love!
stunning vase !!!!!
Thank you SEAN68 for the CW Love and nice comment!
Thank you Thoscahaba for the CW Love!
Your very welcome Charles:)
I would to
Thank you Zowie!
that label is the Royal art glass label seen on many Welz pieces. I believe this piece could be Ruckl, Kralik or welz- to me that has not been proved... the decor I call "Cased Pelleton" (not to be confused with other pelleton types). it belongs in a catagory of confetti applications (broken rod chips sometimes also with glass chips too). look for my next post to have a few- feel free to disagree but that's my two cents...
Thank you Jericho!
Thank you jack1989 for the CW Love
Thank you PhilDavidAlexanderMorris for the CW Love!
Thank you inky for the CW Love!
Thank you toracat for the CW Love!
Thank you Budek for the CW Love!
Thank you Manikin for the CW Love!
Thank you Agram.m for the CW Love!
Thank you Zowie, Manikin, Vintagefran, Radegunder, and jack1989 for the CW Love!
This link is to a 1913 Royal Art Glass sales ad printed in the Lighting Journal Advertiser.
I've also added a 1925 Invoice from Royal Art Glass in the photos above.
Can anyone provide an address, invoice, or similar documentation for the Royal Art Glass, Czechoslovakian/German Manufacturer attributed in the Glasmarken Lexicon?
I must also add that to my knowledge this decor has never been attributed to Welz and therefore was not confirmed as Welz when found with a Royal Art Glass label.
Here's this decor on another "Kralik" shape.
Thank you kunstform for the CW Love!
Thank you LeahGoodwin and antiquerose for the CW Love!
Thank you Aimathena for the CW Love!
Thank you tom61375, AnneLanders, smiata, and SEAN68 for the CW Love!
Here's the location of the ca 1925 Royal Art Glass Office and Sample Room at 5-9 Union Square, NY It was located The Spingler Building which still stands today.
Thank you Alfredo for the CW Love!
Thank you Vintagefran, Budek, and Nordicman32 for the CW Love!
Thank you Aura for the CW Love!
Thank you Radegunder for the CW Love!
Thank you Rucklczglass for the CW Love!
Please follow this link to see this same shape and decor marked with an oval "Made in Czechoslovakia" providence mark:
Thank you Smiata for the CW Love!
The "Royal Art Glass" importers label shown above is also found on glassware manufactured by Stolzle Hermanova Hut.
If Welz marketed Stolzle glassware as their own production, then they likely marketed, advertised, and placed their labels on glassware items actually manufactured by others. ALL Welz Factory Production Literature and ALL Welz labels are useless as an glassware identification tool if this is true.
There it is.... the Anti-Welz claim on literature I was so sure was coming at some point. You are beyond predicatable
and if pigs had wings... they could fly.....
Read your own posting(s). 7 days ago, Welz only sold Welz glass and they didn't sell or have any glass manufactured elsewhere. He was not a middleman...
Yesterday, according to you latest posting, Welz is a middleman marketing glassware manufactured by Stolzle.
Btw, there is proof that Welz had glass produced at the Kralik factory.
I say something might be plausible, you say I said it is.... Same ____, Different year. :-)
I said that Welz was a middleman a few years ago, and I'm very glad that you now agree.
I don't.... but that would not get in your way from stating something that is not true...
Facts... they are your friend.... You should consider actually trying to use them sometime.... :-)
"It is quite possible that they bought production from Stolzle to fill an order for a customer, and placed their Royal Art Glass label on it prior to shipping."
Sounds like a middleman to me.
As always Charcoal. watching you edit and delete comments to create something more "user friendly" to your "agenda" is fabulously entertaining... Actually, it is the only reason I would bother commenting on one of your posts.... What I do not have, is any expectation that people will actually believe the conversation originally looked anything like this.... but I am sure you will delete this also... been lots of fun buddy!! :-)
I deleted two of your comments that imho were off topic and didn't meet the guidelines of CW. Comments about the glass are always welcome and encouraged.
For clarity, three recent comments from Welzebub which didn't relate to the glass posted here have been deleted.
Thanks you AnneLanders for the CW Love!
This link replaces the inactive link in comment #36. It shows a Royal Art Glass paper label on glassware manufactured by Stolzle Hermanova Hut.
Thank you buckethead for the CW Love!
love the glass ,nice write up ....