Posted 12 years ago
(349 items)
This handkerchief bowl has been in my parent’s home over 50+ years. They acquired it early in their marriage. It’s a beautiful form with a delicate pink and white lace pattern in clear glass. As shown in the picture, the overall bowl is thin and graceful. I'm unsure if this is Murano ... what do the CW glass experts think?
Un bel fazzoletto!
In the style of Venini, I suppose?
Very nice!
Check out the terms 'zanfirico' & 'lattimo'.
'Fazzoletto zanfirico' is a profitable search on the net.
Definitely Murano. Can you post a picture of the bottom so we can see how it is finished off? Also, what are the dimensions?
Thanks, charcoal!
Thanks, vetraio50! ... I looked at your suggested search terms and it produced a lot of results. In particular, this vase matches several of Fulvio Bianconi's c.1948 works for Venini.
Hi twentiethc ... thanks for confirming Murano. Unfortunately I am not around the vase right now (it's 400 miles away at my parents house), but next time I visit I'll shoot a pic of the bottom and measure its size.
Thanks, LeahGoodwin!
When you next see the vase, the way in which the pontil is finished off will help identify the maker (assuming it is not otherwise signed).
For example, it certainly looks like it could be Venini; if so, it should have a circular ground pontil mark in the center, and then a flat ground edge / ring around the circular pontil mark. If the pontil mark is rough, then it is not likely Venini. I cannot say this is a 100% garanteed rule, but it is consistent with every Venini handkerchief vase I have seen.
Other promissing characteristics is the "flow" of the draping. Average Murano handkerchief vases (though made of thin glass) will still have a fairly stiff or "simple" drape to the shape. Venini handkerchief vases tend to have a much more dramatic or natural drape effect.
Lastly, the threading in the "Zanfirico" pattern looks extremely fine. Few companies could control such delicate threading so well.
Over all, your example certainly looks like a high quality example.
Thanks, twentiethc ... I appreciate the information. I'll be sure to take some very detailed pictures next time I 'visit' the vase.
Thanks, Eric!
Thanks, nldionne!
Thanks, petey!
Thanks, DrFluffy!
Thanks, walksoftly!
Thanks, Sean!
Thanks, Moonstonelover21!
It is a beauty!
Thanks, bratjdd!
Thanks, tombraider!
Beautiful ! looks like glass lace , I love it :-)
Thanks, Izidora66!
Thanks, Scott!
Thanks, pw-collector!
Thanks, Weirdpuckett!
Thanks, valentino97!
I want to eat this.... Is that normal?? lol...
Thanks, toolate2! ... That's funny. I now see the similarity to ribbon candy.
Hi twentiethc ... I added a picture of the pontil. It not a great image but you can get an idea of it. However I did manage to find a small engraving that says "Murano, Italia." I will be interested in your opinion.
Looks like both a ground pontil and ground ring around the base. If so, I'd say this is highly likely by Venini. Furthermore, the Venini signature is typically a 3-line acid stamp signature: "Venini / Murano / Italia". Newer examples might be engraved on one line.
Was the "Murano, Italia" part you saw an acid stamp on 2 separate lines, or truly engraved?
Truly engraved and I definitely saw two lines ... didn't see a third line but not an acid stamp.
I still have to go with Venini based on what I have seen in your pictures.
However, an engraved signature that just says 'Murano Italia" seems a little odd. An example of the engraved Venini signature I know is pictured in my listing of the ladybug vase. Sometimes the "Venini" can be sloppy and may look like "Murano". Is that possibly what you have? I could not see the engraved signature in your picture, so I cannot be sure.
I thought I saw the acid stamp in the ground pontil area just below center, but I have to assume your seeing it in person is more reliable than what I may / may not see accurately in the picture.
You might want to check out these marks to see if any of them look like yours ...
Thanks, twentieth ... I'll see the vase again around Thanksgiving and will bring along my high-end camera gear to shoot a close-up of the marking. But I appreciate your help!
Happy to help. It's a beautiful vase.
Thanks, Vintagefran!
Original was "Fazzoletti" By Paolo Venini and Fulvio Bianconi in 1940's.
This was bestseller from Venini glassworks.
Thanks, glazzman!
Thanks, Radegunder!
I love this style, I buy it at ever chance I get. Its hard to find vintage pieces undamaged. Great piece here!
Thanks, austrohungaro!
Thanks, catteann!
Thanks, antiquerose!
Thanks, Moonhill and ho2cultcha!
Thanks, aghcollect!
Thanks, CindB!