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collection of Eagle Globe and Anchor US MARINE CORPS cap badges (e.g.a's) WWI to today

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (136 items)

    16 USMC cap badges. Top row is WWI to 1920s
    2nd row is all WWII
    3rd row is Korean War to 1963
    4th row is Viet Nam to Present day
    If you look close, the badges on the top row are all slightly different.
    The WWII era insignias start being made from a heavy brass and end being a pot metal.
    Korean war era, the E.G.A. goes from a black color to more of a gun metal color and from a heavy brass to a light weight brass.
    Viet Nam era ones are a heavy brass, and the current issue ones are light weight.
    To the Marines who earned the right to wear these, this insignia is worth its weight in gold. The saying " Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine" means just what it states.
    The early E.G.A's are hard to find. But they don't command the price they use to 10 years ago. People are still asking the $125 to 200 for them, but I just picked up all 4 of the top row E.G.A's all in seperate auctions. Ranging in price from $40 dollars to $65 dollars. Also, the WWI era E.G.A's are being reproduced. So beware of fakes!!
    WWII E.G.A.'s are quite common and sell between 10 and 20 dollars. Viet Nam and current issue E.G.A's you can find for less than $10 dollars

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      Semper Fi.......

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