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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1 item)

    The entire clock within the frame (copper) measure 10.5 inches high. The actual clock is 6 inches high. The porcelain clock case is made by Victoria China, Czechoslovakia. The copper housing has no id markers on it. I got it with a pair of candle holders. Can anyone tell me what this is and perhaps if it has any value....thanks

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 12 years ago
      What A stunning clock!!!
    2. RRP RRP, 12 years ago
      Just send it to me and you won't have to worry about it anymore!! :)

      But seriously folks... if you remove the winders etc. & screws & take the back off, the movement may have further identification on it.
    3. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      The set is quite beautiful. I didn't find it in my New Haven Reference material but they did make a number of Metal/Porcelain Mantel Clock/Candleholder sets. As RRP said, you may find more information stamped on the movement itself...although that doesn't mean that the case and candleholders were made by the same manufacturer as the clock. Thanks for sharing.
    4. dabbott11, 12 years ago
      thank you everyone. Apparently it is a New Haven but I couldn't find it anywhere so your help is greatly appreciated. By chance, can any of you put it into a timeframe, era?
    5. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      My *guess* would be 1905 give or take 10 years.

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