Posted 12 years ago
(384 items)
Finally got this framed, I like the frame cause you can get a look of the front and back of it for total satisfaction this thing is so old and fragile I was saying a little prayer while handling it. This fight was the largest audience for single broadcast ever. It was also first victory over Nazi Germany Making Joe Louis first African American hero Enjoy
very cool
GREAT poster! Nice choice on framing as well. Love it!
Thanks for the love and nice comment vanskyock24.
Thanks for the love and nice comment zguy2112.
Thanks for the love officialfuel.
Thank you for the love petey.
yep like this only right side up!lol
Thanks for the love gargoylecollector and your ability to point out the obvious LOL. I don't know why it's like this CW to the rescue!!!
Thanks for the love Sean.
Thanks for the love vintagelamp.
Thanks for the love SpiritBear.
Thank YOU for the love Newfld.
Thank YOU for the love yougottahavestuff.
Thank YOU for the love Cokeman1959.