Antique Wood Telephones

Uncovering Lost Treasure - Antique Art Deco Telephones In Storage Since 1945
By Dave Margulius — Every collector dreams of being the person to uncover cities of lost gold, the next Tutankhamen's tomb, or if not that, an overgrown, abandoned railroad depot packed to the rafters with relics and surprises. That hasn't happened to me yet, but here's something almost as good that did happen: Click the photo above to read how I uncovered a stash of antique telephones that had been hidden in a warehouse for 60 years, new in their boxes. It may not seem like much to you, but for me it...

Antique Telephone Collector Gary Goff Talks Candlesticks and Desk Sets
By Maribeth Keane — How did I get started collecting antique telephones? As a kid I always liked phones, using them, talking on them. As a teenager I had some business telephone equipment that was taken out of an old building that was being demolished. Bell System or Western Electric 1A equipment. I took it off the wall of this old building that my father had purchased that was in the path of the I5 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles. I took that equipment home, I was 15 or 16, and figured out how to hook it to...