Vintage and Antique Puppets

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Before Sesame Street and Electric Mayhem, a Crude Kermit Lip Synced Pop Standards

When "The Muppets" storms the world’s multiplexes this holiday season, there will no doubt be lots of little kids who, thanks to “Sesame Street,” will associate the wide-mouthed cloth puppets with learning to count to 10 and reciting their ABCs. But for many of their Gen-X parents and Baby Boomer grandparents, “The Muppets” will conjure school lunch boxes, flannel pajamas, and brightly colored board games, all inspired by "The Muppets Show," a variety-style hour of family-friendly TV that...

The Underappreciated Magic of Puppets

When I was in second grade, I had a friend who had traveled the world with her military father. In her room were dolls from around the world and a puppet stage right out of “The Sound of Music” movie. Being a showoff even then, I had already acquired a ventriloquist doll. Now I knew I had to have my own marionettes. Then, like today, you cannot just go to any store and find these dolls. Mom began her hunt and found my first one, a Hazelle Fairy marionette, at a thrift store. It was not long...

Attack of the Vintage Toy Robots! Justin Pinchot on Japan’s Coolest Postwar Export

Everyone is always looking for the next big thing. In the 1960s, it was going into space. In the '40s and '50s, the frontier was technology, with a particular focus on "What's going to make our lives easier?" For the very first time, you had cars with automatic-transmissions, automatic washing machines, and perpetually cooling refrigerators. I mean, we were coming out of an era when you scrubbed your clothes on a washboard and cooled your icebox with a big block of ice. Even the first...