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White Treadle Machine - Sewingin Sewing


  1. I ordered two new belts within half an hour of getting her home LOL The anticipation is killing me!
  2. Between chinablue's help and some help on another board, this is a "White Rotary" dated sometime between Sept 1903 and Feb 1906, probably closer to '03-'04 And I guess it's rare to find the little wo...
  3. Wow, what a story! Thank you for sharing! <3 I have four children, so hopefully I'll have a passel of grandaughters fighting over who gets it next LOL.
  4. I can't thank you all enough for all of the advice. I think in this case, less is definitely more. I can't believe how clean the inside of the machine was. I spent last night taking it all apart an...
  5. Thank you Walksoftly! I bookmarked it.
  6. Thank you EJW-54 for the advice on restoration. According to what chinablue linked me to, my machine is proabably a little earlier than yours (which is why I was confused by the serial numbers - mine...
  7. Wow! thank you so much! that site said that answered a lot of questions! looks like it's definitely pre-1906. Thanks again chinablue! And thanks Hedgewalker! I am abosolutely thrilled with both th...
  8. More pictures at http://photobucket.com/whitetreadle
  9. See more


WHITE Sewing Machine Dated 1909


posted 12 years ago