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Perth, Western Australia


Singer 66k Treadle Machine Restore - Sewingin Sewing


  1. Thanks keramikos for your confidence in my ability, but this is my first go at it, and I hope it won't be my last. I enjoy this type of challenge so I will look at and maybe ask the experts as you hav...
  2. Hi keramikos, thanks for alllllll that info very helpful as usual. I am subscribed to a YouTube channel about Singer 66 Sewing machine clean/restore/fix from Bob Fowler who has a business fixing em, s...
  3. Thanks for the new info keramikos, but...... I have already undone the don't undo screw, cleaned and reassembled it all, just have to do the felt oil wick now, so thanks for the link to doing that. I'...
  4. Thanks keramikos i'll let you know.
  5. Thanks keramikos, you're a great help. I'll have a look at the said screw and see if I can now move it in the reverse direction.
  6. Hi keramikos, good to hear from you again, and as usual, great info and help. I have tried to loosen that screw once but gave up as it didn't move, and now I know the reason so thanks for the link to ...
  7. Thanks keramikos for your reply but I don't think 'pin rash' adds character or anything else for that matter, just something to rectify? and again thanks for your useful links.
  8. Hi Watchsearcher, thanks for your reply. No I hadn't come up with that reason, I thought that it was like that because, you need to handle the machine, usually at around that point, to get it to fold ...
  9. See more


Garage Sale Find -- 1906 Singer Sewing Machine -- H 131676