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  1. From what info I found, tax tokens vary in size. I can only guess at this point. My friend thinks she may have a box of tokens in her storage not realizing it may be related. She's going to dig ...
  2. Thanks slapjack. All of you guys have been a great help. I'll share this information with my friend. And hey, perhaps her grandma was running a casino :)
  3. The screws don't go thru the tubes. I think they are for adjusting the position of each.
  4. The inside of each tube is a different size. They look like they were made with precision. I am apt to think they were for the tax tokens (mills) around the 1930s. I looked them up after seeing sla...
  5. Sorry for the delay answering! All the tubes are slightly different size openings. Quarters too big for any, dimes and pennies fall loosely. Do you think this may have been for "mills" tokens aro...
  6. That is interesting. Perhaps a part of something large.
  7. This helps tremendously! I will now look through records to get an idea of how the piece came into my family. I really appreciate the information.
  8. There is no void or any sealing material. It is definitely one solid dome of glass. You are more than welcome to see for yourself. How would we go about doing so.
  9. See more