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I have recently had a fascination with glass because I found a huge glass vase buried in my backyard that has been there at least since 1998. It is about 24” tall anI have recently had a fascination with glass because I found a huge glass vase buried in my backyard that has been there at least since 1998. It is about 24” tall and weighs about 14 lbs. It’s a complete mystery to me that I hope this forum can help me understand what it is that made someone feel they needed to bury it? It looks black, blue and white but it is a purple color in the sunlight. It has incredible details about it that blow my mind. I’m so intrigued and excited to see what you guys think about it. It has a table of contents for objects that have been included but I can’t decipher what it means. There are murals or scenes inside of the glass that have recently appeared due to me inverting the glass images I took on my phone. I adjusted the lighting and hues and the images started to appear. It’s quite crazy how many different angles change the images inside. I’m posting pictures of my vase with the inverted ones included in hopes that I can find answers about what causes them. Thank you in advance for any help with this piece of art glass. (Read more)


Loetz Russian Green Medici (PG 2/484), ca. 1902 Stumped on identification of this hand blown art glass bowl Bohemian huge vase


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posted 2 months ago
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posted 5 years ago