Vanny1up » collections




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Hello ,I'm Vanessa . IVE COLLECTED MANY DIFFERENT THINGS IN MY LIFE FROM ANTIQUE DOLLS, CLOCKS, WATCHES FOR YEARS .RECENTLY I went into my neighborhood goodwill andHello ,I'm Vanessa . IVE COLLECTED MANY DIFFERENT THINGS IN MY LIFE FROM ANTIQUE DOLLS, CLOCKS, WATCHES FOR YEARS .RECENTLY I went into my neighborhood goodwill and bought a photo album that had the word Christmas on the front cover .I paid $3.49 for it. WHAT I have found inside this album has a story unlike any I've read before . With every search I continue to gained some knowledge , not so much of the price or the values of my find .my learning is still in progress. These stamps tell a much story then what I was taught in history in school so many moons ago.. well I just thought I'd share that with yall ..Im not a stamp collector and will be putting them up for sell. I have come across a few rare ones . Some have been used some havent . They appear to be in great shape. Especially for being 50 years and some well over 100 years old.. Thank you for letting me share my story.. (Read more)


I found a wood shpere specimin petrified  and  found arizona tortoises hatchling  in my back yard. - Animalsin Animals
Antique/ vintage stamps - Stampsin Stamps


I found a wood shpere specimin petrified  and  found arizona tortoises hatchling  in my back yard.