anile2010 » collections




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Asylum, PA

I am a Libra which means I can sense what others want before they ask for it. Venus is my planet, the one of love and desire. When I see a beautiful painting, a worI am a Libra which means I can sense what others want before they ask for it. Venus is my planet, the one of love and desire. When I see a beautiful painting, a work of art or a piece of vintage jewelry, my Venus is present. From early on I had a love for the unusual and passion for the collectable. My home has been described as “vintage” by novelist Joseph Tolle a friend of my son in his novel “The Philosophers Corner”. My home is devoted to all things old and beautiful. I have a passion for auctions, chic flea markets and vintage bric-a-brac shops which have an affirmation to the past and cry out, “beautiful”. What everyone should know about me Love of GOD, Family and Collecting! Things I collect......Everything -Anything that has that extra, how do you say.....Le'CoseBella! (Read more)


  1. this is amazzzing!
  2. 935 purity was used in the Art Deco period in Austria and Germany. Scandinavian silver jewellers used 935 silver after the 2nd World War. The UK has used this alloy from the early 12th century. You a...
  3. Bottles hold clues about our past!
  4. I have something similar. Inherited from my mum who passed away in 2019. She was born in Germany so I’m assuming is European of some sort. Very pretty and collectible.
  5. Looks like peridot. Pretty
  6. My son-in-law took a liking so it was gifted. He added it to his barware area. In retrospect, I did go back to investigate. Apparently, this “particular seller” at the antique mall was not liked by ...
  7. Very nice lamp with a history.
  8. I did note “GOLD” at the top of the pencil but no K level. I tested and it appears to b 14K.
  9. Thank you so much for all the info.
  10. In most not. I think there may still be a red color in one. Others empty. .
  11. Purchased at a consignment shop. Thanks so much
  12. Yes frogs or toads. But it is heavy as well as the earrings. And if you wear it all day like to work and go to take it off if gives of heat! Very cool... no pun intended. Like I said for years I wa...
  13. Thanks so very much. You just added so much knowing there is “reason” as well as “beauty”.
  14. If u don’t already own it buy it! Awesome.
  15. As beautiful as any LANCASTER County Amish made quilts that I’ve seen. Great job!
  16. 83 Is the address of the location. Al Pellegrino Cattolico S.r.l. - 81/83, Via Di Porta Angelica - Roma
  17. Per 5he box this item appears to have come from a religious goods store in Rome, Italy. I can only assume than it Catholic.
  18. Thank you. I always wanted a rock crystal pools of light but most were unaffordable w/$$ off the charts. This carved rock crystal has so much more character. Plus it’s undrilled! Looking FW to weari...
  19. Looks like a somewhat Renaissance Mephistopheles or Mephisto! A pale man with very sharp features, pointed beard, slanted eyebrows, the costume enhances his natural appearance. Although not dressed ...
  20. You may not believe this but I hooked a small rug of this exact image the old fashioned country craft way back in the 70’s in art school. Awesome!
  21. I purchased this vtg bag on an online auction which included two other handbags for the sum oh $150 + s/h. Sent it off to Rago Brothers Shoe & Handbag Repair. They authenticated the bag and I paid fo...
  22. Like you I am a collector of Victorian pieces. These are exceptional. Since Black was big in the 1800s.Jewelers used many different substances to create pieces and often they're hard to distinguish...
  23. Absolutely lovely. I am glad you wear it and enjoy everything about it. I got hooked early on collecting cameos. I rather go for the carving rather than the karat level. And I do wear them.
  24. Very nice and appear to be in good shape for age. Any info on how previous owner acquired them?
  25. Yes everyone & their sister describes their items as NEIGER Czech pieces with few being authenticated. I c/b wrong but I believe this to be Peking Glass. There is a beautiful one on Rubylane at Pho...
  26. Thanks so very much. I purchased this item on an online auction site for $150 + S/H.
  27. I can do that for you.
  28. Found another posted to WOW!
  29. Any Eagles fan would love to have this piece.
  30. Thanks so much.
  31. See more


 Date/ manufacturer of this pillbox?


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