arleen85davis » collections



Ten Mile, Tennessee

I have always been drawn to coins, ever since I was around 5 at least. My father worked on the road and would save his change, by the time I was 15, I had a savings I have always been drawn to coins, ever since I was around 5 at least. My father worked on the road and would save his change, by the time I was 15, I had a savings acct. with a balance of a few bucks over $10,000, all from rolling the change my Daddy accumulated from the road. I remember going through every single coin one by one, placing the old dates in a pile and then any foreign coins had a pile of their own. I don't remember a single time that there wasn't at least one Canadian piece in ever Folgers jar, but I would save each Canadian coin and he would always tell me that I was wasting my time saving those Canadian coins because they weren't worth anything. I didn't care though, to me, they were really cool and unique. Anyways, my love for coins has lasted all these years and here I am, 38 and still checking every coin I get my little fingers on and occasionally, my father's change dish that sets on the mantle of his fireplace. (Read more)


Unsure if this is an Errored coin??? - US Coinsin US Coins