bigdeesull1 » collections




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Random. A truly random collection.. I work 3- 12.5 hour shifts so I have four days off a week and the gym can only fill up so much time. Now.. I don’t know how, Random. A truly random collection.. I work 3- 12.5 hour shifts so I have four days off a week and the gym can only fill up so much time. Now.. I don’t know how, but I seem to have become a weirdo for Vintage/antique items overnight. I think they’re friggin rad and peruse the local thrift shops to see what I can dig up. The only thing is that my knowledge is lacking, so if you can folks could help me out from time to time that would be stellar. I love learning about objects and their history. Also, If I post something, and you just HAVE to have it, feel free to holler at me. I’d prefer they wind up with real enthusiasts if I decide on selling. (Read more)


Keeps on tickin’… - Asianin Asian